Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How to use smart reminders to stay organized

My favorite way to have access to and read about the subjects I'm interested in is to subscribe to newsletters from people that make it their job to be great in different areas of expertise.

Of one the projects I'm following with great interest for equally great advice is Get Organized Wizard

I'm periodically receiving by e-mail suggestions of how to be better organized: an area that is always challenging to me given that on a daily basis there is so much to do and so little time.

So a few days ago I received an e-mail on how to use smart reminders to get organized (the title of the blog is the title of their actual advice session).

So I'll take the opportunity to share its content with you:


If your memory fails you constantly there are a few tricks you can do to help you be better organized. We call them, smart reminders.

Here are some examples of smart reminders that will help you to be prompted at the right time!
* Don’t want to forget your water bottle when you go to the gym, but right now the dishwasher’s running? Turn your gym bag upside down.
* Gotta take something with you? Leave it in front of the door.
* Several calls to make? Put the callee names on post-its and pop them on the phone.
* Keep forgetting to use your gift certificate? Put it in your wallet – in front of your credit card or cash.
* Wan't to stop night-time snacking? Put those motivating photos right on the fridge/pantry door.

Until next week, stay happy and organized!

It sounds so simple but yet so efficient. I'll start trying this and let you know how it turns out. In the meantime, could you please share what other ideas you use so you keep yourself on track with your busy schedule?

If you liked their approach and with to receive similar suggestions, you can subscribe to their newsletter by visiting the page Get Organized Wizard

Note: The title of this post and the content of the e-mail belong to Get Organized Wizard and were not altered by me
The picture was found via Pinterest
This post is not sponsored

Friday, 11 March 2016

10 really cool ads that stick with you

Are you an ads addict? I know I am. I like most the ones in the magazines I read.

Least...the ones on TV, because I find them more invasive - they interrupt whatever you are watching, you can't avoid them unless you change the channel and they are on repeat quite a lot.

There are some that are really smart and catchy but most of them...not so much.

I've found via Pinterest some very original and disturbing ads people chose to promote their message. Cool ideas indeed!

I just couldn't stop laughing when I found this one. Priceless! :D

Simple but effective

I like the optical illusion created here. Wraps the new product very nicely

I found a lot of strong, even shocking ads against smoking. The visual game played by this one is the best for me so far

Isn't this the best way to you the already existent decor? :) I would say heck yes!

Simply genius :)

This one really sends some chills down my spine. Belt up!

I like it a lot that campaigns against drinking and driving got more creative and went beyond just telling the people you shouldn't do so and so. This kind of visuals stick so much better.

Fireworks? No! Pasta? Yes! Nice one Barilla!

Note: All pictures listed above have been found via Pinterest. You can see all the awesome stuff I found via Pinterest by following by boards here:

Friday, 4 March 2016

Point of view: Society double standards toward women

As a keen observer of what happens around me, I noticed that on many occasions society has some double standards regarding women, which make our lives quite difficult at times, especially at work, but also on a personal level.

For example, I've seen from the interactions around me that when a man fights to sustain his argument he is often seen as strong - people expect that kind of reaction from guys. But in the same discussion, a woman is expected to be nice, sympathetic towards others and seek the middle ground to make everybody happy, instead of fighting in the same way.

But, when a woman doesn't speak up for herself in an argument, she is likely to be perceived as weak. If she speaks up however, she has high chances to be seen as having diva-like behavior. The effects of this behavior are most visible professionally but affects personal life quite a lot too.

Also, when a woman is angry, rumor has that she's in period of the month. (sigh and sigh some more...) but when a man is angry, people don't find it so unusual or give it such a bad vibe.

And the examples can go on.

It makes me very happy to observe that more and more young girls today are witty, opinionated, they fight for their rights and their beliefs, will not take no for an answer and will not accept someone's arguments only because the discussion partner is a dude but because he might actually have a point.

I've noticed that society changes. Slowly, but it does. In some (possibly quite many) years from now the same society might expect women to fight more for their rights and beliefs and be opinionated instead of just being team players and mediators.

In the light of my blunt introduction above, I feel I need to mention this: I do not hate or dislike men. Not at all. Most of my friends are guys. I am married and have a son.

So what do you do you were raised to be the nice person in the room, even when you don't feel like it? How do you handle the moments when you feel you are at disadvantage? Please let me know.

My advice is to aim to be very good at whatever it is you are doing. People can gossip regarding your gender, looks, finances, sexual preference, opinions but results are harder to dismiss.
Here is a list of suggestions:


When they are angry and shouting, guys have a scientifically proven advantage: their deep voice. The male voice goes has a low frequency and the woman voice goes into goes into a high frequency.
What does it all mean to be more procise? It means that a woman's voice when shouting will sound quite bad to the ears because of the high frequency of the voice and will make people wanna keep distance instead of listening what the person has to say. A man's voice will get people's attention because deep voices are well...more attention catching.
So how do we get past this disadvantage (when you can, cause if you're really angry nothing will actually matter in that very moment) I use a thing I call cold anger: I raise my voice just enough to be noted that I did it, but not so much as to shout. And I try to present my argument by looking my discussion partner(s) in the eye, talking slowly and articulating carefully each word. It works better if you can control yourself to not use a lot of gestures so that people will listen to what you have to say and not be distracted.


Women tend to apologize much more than men, even when it's not their fault. If you've done something wrong, then you need to apologize and that's that. But unless you should really be sorry for what you just did, don't say that "S" word.:) Why? Because saying you are sorry all the time says you've done something wrong. And especially in the work environment, people who leave the impression they make mistakes all the time are not seen very well.


Women tend to accept bad behavior from others just to calm the situation and not upset others. I'm returning to my earlier point that many women were taught since childhood to be nice, accommodating and develop strong motherly traits like always taking care how other people feels, even when it means accepting not OK behavior like screaming or not so nice words: because the other person was angry but they are good people, because they are the boss, etc.

If someone treats you badly, be firm, polite and refuse to accept being treated in a way you don't like. If you accept to be treated badly by someone, other people might think it's acceptable and might do it too. Plus: your self esteem will not be doing very good in time. We can't change society perceptions overnight, but starting to say no in a firm positive way is a good place to start.


Not really related to the points above but I find it worth mentioning: women are not expected to be good in male dominated fields, driving being one of them. So I feel most women "rise" to the expectation. I don't know about you, but I've lost count of the jokes and and stories guys (mostly) were telling about the bad driving habits of women (from the way they behave in traffic to the way they park).

If you have a car and don't feel comfortable driving it, go drive alone (so you don't have a nagging someone around telling you what you do wrong) around the city when you can so you can get better accustomed with it. Try "feeling" the car, its size, how it reacts when you drive it, how it feels when you make turns. Try this until you feel comfortable climbing a hill or getting out of a tight space. Go to a supermarket's parking lot when it's empty to practice parking. You don't have to become the next Michael Schumacher of the city roads, but if you're driving, please do it right.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

How does the future look like to you?

Have you ever wondered how will the world look like in some decades from now? I think about that quite often, with mixed feelings: with awe because I'm a very curious person and I love how new discoveries in all science areas improve our lives, and with a lil bit of fear (ok insert a little bit more fear here) because well...I'm gonna have many more years behind me. I do imagine myself as a sexy (yup yup), witty, elegant old lady but...the fear feeling is still there. Now...brushing off melancholy, I'm gonna go to the more fun part of this story. I'm gonna tell ya all boys and girls, what I imagine we'll find in this mysterious future of ours: In about 20 years from now...


1. The first that comes to mind is actually a classic one: I think all cars will be able to drive themselves (the option exists nowadays but it is not widespread) and people will be allowed less and less to take manual control of their vehicles. I thought about this ever since I saw this cool 2004 Will Smith movie I,robot (a must see if you're asking me) where this very concept was introduced. It would definately solve a lot of issues, like having to get a driver's license, saying no that beer with friends because need to drive home afterwards.

However, like with all things, I like the idea of having a choice over what you want to do. There are many people around me that truly enjoy driving as a way to relax. For me, my car means only a means of transportation (a really nice one though): I really appreciate the protection it offer in rainy or snowy days or when I'm just running late, but...driving it not one of the areas I'm most passionate about. I prefer when someone else does it (like with public transport) because I get a little bit more time to read, chat with my lady friends, read the news or check my Facebook account. :)


Knowing how to code in some language will be as important as it is right now being able to do basic operations on a computer. Since we use technology more and more in our everyday lives (most of our work day is spent in front of a computer), I think it will be just as normal (and expected) to be able to communicate with that technology in a way it can understand and respond. For many folks, the thought is totally scary. But, try thinking of it as learning a new foreign language. If you get past the idea that coding is just for geeky geniuses that live in a totally different universe, it might even get a little bit fun. (don't start throwing with those eggs at me just yet :p)
I admit, this is something still on my goal list so I'm not quite there either. But...still on the list.


We could be able to see TV shows like 3d holograms. Imagine how it could be to be virtually in the first row at a designer presentation or if you're a guy, to be able to actually be in the middle of a football game with the players running all around you. Crazy!

If that sounds totally like chinese to you (assuming you don't know Chinese, that is) you can get a grasp of what I'm talking about here.

Fun game idea for you or to play with the little ones: Did you know you can create a basic 3d hologram with your phone? If you're curious, you can find the how-tos here.


3D printed organs will be used as mass market solution to a very wide range of purposes: from printing our clothes based on a file sent by the online shops you like (instead of waiting for days in a row to be shipped that hopefully perfect fit dress), to solve the issues caused by long transplant lists, as all organs will be created to be compatible with one's DNA (which, to be honest, is such an awesome thing).
Even building and decorating a house will be "affected". Imagine how awesome it will be to see that perfect coffee table "being born" in your living room and under your eyes. Honestly, I can't wait for this stuff to become more affordable and commonly used. My wardrobe is waaaaaiting :)
Note: 3d printing (for objects, medical purposes, etc) exists nowadays but it is not mass affordable or mass known.


Last but not least on the list:my son Levi will be 20 years old... A cool guy just finishing college, going to Uni and heading to his very own path in life. Sigh! OMG! This thought makes me go fill myself a glass of good wine. Cheers to that!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

10 Posts that inspired me last year

Every year I make some time to go through all the stuff I've saved during the 12 months that passed, make some cleaning through them, delete the things that don't really represent my way of thinking anymore and re-read the inspiring ones. I've saved stuff coming from very different domains: from things that might inspire me in my work, to travel destinations or how to better understand the people around me.


Excerpt: "Want to know what happens to people who spend their whole lives dreaming about fame and fortune, reading about others’ success and accomplishments, and following a who’s who of the influential elite in the hope that some of their magic will rub off them? Not a whole lot. Dreaming, reading, and following will get you nowhere. The only way to achieve any of that stuff is by doing." True, true and true again.


I read this multiple times and there are so many things that are worth mentioning here that I couldn't find only a brief sneak peak to share. If you have small kiddos, this is a sad but useful read.


This wow list of location makes me start budget planning and start searching for cheap plane ticket flights. Sigh...


For those moments we all have from time to time :)


I don't normally belive in horoscopes but it lifts my spirits when people tell me good things will happen in the future for me, that I'm gonna suceed at what I'm working on, that I'm gonna be even more loved and cherised. It brings positive motivation - and this is something everyone needs once in a while. Whenever I read a horoscope telling me bad stuff, I go search for another one with a nicer vibe :). You should try it too!


All of them are pretty awesome but I totally loved the chip which stops you from slouching. Added to my wishlist!


When I read this kind of articles I feel like I'm already living in the future. And it's a very nice feeling to have. I love how new discoveries help us improve the quality of life in such ways that I sometimes couldn't even imagine. I can't wait to hear that we'll be able to save our memories when we get old and insert them in a healthier body after we die. Kinda SF? :) Maybe, but it's worth a thought.


One of the reasons I started blogging was to get better at communicating a message to people I don't know which is useful and catchy. An except from this article illustrates this perfectly: "If I want to learn more about a given subject in a week than I could in a year, all I have to do is write a blog post. And then look at the comments. I'm not doing it just for the story or to get attention. I'm doing it for the takeaway." Blogging is a catalyst for learning. Blogging provides you the opportunity to research a topic, think critically to condense your research and thoughts into an actionable takeaway, and then make that takeaway available internally for colleagues or externally for customers."


This is one of the things I am thinking of a lot lately. I think that in let's say 15 years being technology fluent will be as important as being able to speak English (if you live like I do in a country where English is not the native language). Since we depend more and more on technology in our everyday life, it makes total sense to try to have some understanding of it. This article is worth taking a look.


I find this article very useful especially for women: We (me included) tend to always apologize about everything: even when we have nothing to apologize for. It's good thing to own your mistakes when the situation happens, however it is not so ok to use the S word as a way too often in your communication with others. Because when you apologize all the time you leave the impression that you act like you make mistakes all the time.