Friday, 27 November 2015

Weekend Fashion Inspiration

Hi guys, I say, let's end the week with some sneak peaks into the clothing choices of random people around the world as inspiration for the next wardrobe decisions. Hope you enjoy!

PS: This is a selection of items I like which I found via Pinterest.  For more inspiration of this kind you can see my boards here

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Heaven is for real

I've recently seen (again) a movie that moved me quite a lot about a little boy who had a near death experience but miraculously recovers after a while in the hospital. He then tells his parents he he's been on a journey to Heaven and talked to God. The film follows the struggles the family faces after the little guy makes his story known and of course, the people's reactions to this spectacular news.
I must admit, the fact that this movie is said to be based on a true story made me even more curious than I would normally be. The story is catchy, well narrated, has a little bit of fun and drama and most of all, it treats a subject that you don't see every time you turn on the TV. 
But the thing that really got me thinking in the end is that while we are taught from early childhood to believe in God, Heaven, miracles, etc and we spend most of our lives into the belief that there is something out there after our life on earth ends, a beautiful place where we will meet our beloved and where we will spend eternity, when someone comes and says that God really exists, that they've been to Heaven, that they've talked to Him, that everything we thought so far really exists...everybody thinks that person is crazy and should stop saying such things. Seems like quite a paradox to me. :)
On this note I leave you to see the trailer:

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Hunger Games

found on via pintrest

Hi again guys. Long time, no see! Since our last virtual encounter I've gained a few (more) pounds, gave birth to my son, lost a few pounds and then got stuck with some extra 8 kg that are stubbornly just hanging around. 
Those who know me know I don't like to starve myself and I totally prefer doing the slow but healthier version than the "I can't sleep at night, I only dream about food" way.  Still, even with the "I want healthy stuff" mindset I still find myself more often than not drooling like crazy over eating sweets, salty things, then sweets again, then coffee... a never ending vicious circle with not so nice results.
Experts say that when we crave for certain aliments, our body actually need some particular vitamins. Understanding how this all works and providing ourselves with the healthy options instead of the not so healthy ones helps us feel better and also paves the way to a slimmer figure. So this is what I found while researching on the subject: 

When we crave for all kinds of sweets:
Our body feels stressed and needs a wide range of vitamins like chromium (found in broccoli, grapes, dried beans, chicken), carbon (found in sweet fruits), phosphorus (chicken, liver, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, veggies and cereals), sulfur (horseradish, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips), tryptophane (cheese, liver, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach).
When feeling crazy about chocolate (like all the time?): it appears magnesium has gone missing. Try to counter with peanuts, nuts and pumpkin seeds. 

Falling for the salty side? Chlorine may be at fault. Or better said, the lack of it. Goat cheese, fish, unrefined sea salt should help getting things back to normal.

If you wanna eat bread all day, it seems you might be missing nitrogen. Try see if more fish, meat, nuts and beans will do the trick and get you back on track.

When we totally need coffee or tea body needs phosphorus, iron, sulfur or salt which can be found in all veggies, sea salt, apple vinegar, green leaves, eggs, fish.

You can't stop the choosing fatty and/or oily foods? You might be needing Calcium. Cheese, broccoli and green leaves should help you keep things in control.

Can't stop thinking about the booze? Alcohol cravings may be your body's way of telling you to bring in more Protein (meat, sea food, cheese, nuts and peanuts, granola), Calcium (Mustard, broccoli, cheese, sesame, veggies), Potassium (dark olives, potatoes, green leaves), Glutamine (supplements with glutamine, fresh cabbage juice (yuck))

Tobacco cravings? Try supplementing your silicone intake (nuts, peanuts, seeds) and tyrosine (vitamin C, veggies, red colored fruits)

PS: Please note that I do not have a medical degree - the suggestions in this post have been gathered by researching the internet on this subject of great importance to me at the moment. However, the information in this article cannot replace a doctor's advice. For more detailed information about loosing weight in a healthier way